What we work with
Much of our work is founded on an in-depth cultural understanding, national factors and the market conditions the organisation exists under. We have a broad business understanding and can work from both a business perspective and a culture and relationship perspective.
Strategy and change processes
We work with strategy and change processes based on the understanding that changes are constantly taking place and that strategies must lead to action in order to anchor the desired initiatives. Strategies and changes must be meaningful for employees, and managers must therefore be much more focused on meaningful processes rather than on simply developing a comprehensive strategy. This means that the strategy processes we are part of are based on an understanding of the existing culture, and therefore also often include key employees.
Leader sparring – strategic and personal leadership
This component is often based on an initial culture analysis and the company’s strategy. A leader test or behavioural profile that targets the leadership focus is also often developed. The impact the organisational structure, culture and personal leadership have on the results created is examined. This includes discussing employee wellbeing and performance.
Strategic leadership
Sparring in relation to strategic leadership therefore focuses on the current changes the company and various departments are facing. Significant cultural and structural factors that advance or inhibit the desired changes are examined. Specific initiatives to enable the organisation to act in accordance with the desired changes are identified. We also often examine perceptions of the interaction between different nationalities, levels of trust and power distances.
Personal leadership
The personal leadership component examines the responsibilities, tasks and leadership roles the given strategy and everyday challenges demand. We identify the challenges that arise when various initiatives are launched. For example, when lean and Daily Direction Setting (DDS) meetings present both advantages and disadvantages in relation to employee performance and hence the results created. We examine what each leader needs to retain, and what they need to change.
Interaction and efficiency of management teams
Our experience has shown that the work and cooperation of management teams is key to the success of the company. We therefore seek to make your management team more unified and more effective. We focus on creating a forum where the team members sharpen each other’s skills.
The focus is typically on three main areas
- Discussion of the main aim of the team’s work, and of the common tasks/responsibilities requiring special attention. This includes discussing the tensions and various organisational interests that need to be managed.
- Exploration of the ways in which the team works and cooperates, and the impact this has on the company culture. Synergies, communication forms, cooperation patterns, habits, feedback culture and the cooperation energy – that both support and inhibit the team in becoming more effective – are discussed.
- Discussion of individual valuable contributions to the team spirit and work. This includes discussing individual roles and their significance for the team and the employees.